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Jasper Zijlstra and Jeroen Verschoor are two photographers who have been collaborating since 2021. With their work they approach themes such as science, ecology and sustainability. They merge their diverse starting points and workmethods in a dynamic collaboration. They are currently working in collaboration with Utrecht University (Plant-Environment Signaling group) on a project on 'science outreach'.


Jasper Zijlstra

Jasper Zijlstra (1990, NL) is a visual artist who mostly uses photography. His work revolves around the sharing of his curiosity and admiration for the world and people around him.  His work, as well as his proces, is based in experiment and develops organically. He uses his process of abstracting the reality to visualize his thoughts about large, philosophical themes like; spirituality and religion, existence, identity, and culture. Starting with long periods of research, his projects are a coalescence of this research and personal reflections, intuitively combined in works that are meant to inspire contemplation and personal reflection in the viewer.



Jeroen Verschoor

Jeroen Verschoor (1993, NL) is a photographer whose personal work is based on his fascination with the natural world. He is inspired by the historic- and cultural landscapes, which form central themes for his documentary photo projects. His work is often rooted in his interest for what the present day landscape means to us in modern times and the relationship between men and nature.


© 2023 by Jasper Zijlstra & Jeroen Verschoor

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